Saturday 30 April 2011

Almost Single- Advaita Kala

These days I am rooting big-time for Young Indian Authors. I finished reading Advaita Kala’s first book ‘Almost Single’ and waited for my mixed feelings to settle down before I acknowledge what is what..

‘Almost Single’ is a chick-lit and if you are a fan of this genre you would like this book. There is your protagonist Aisha Bhatia- the quintessential young female, single, working, attractive and also..…big-boned (yes a characteristic in itself, the world is divided between slim and fat). She is 29 and on the lookout for the ONE, the purveyor of her future domestic bliss, the answer to her mother’s prayers...a Mr. Eligible Bachelor who is in need of getting rid of that title…

Throw in the usual paraphernalia- a mother desperately wanting dear daughter to wed well (wooo…alliteration), a nagging boss, close female friends making a staunch support group, a couple of male friends who have to be mandatorily gay and an occasional Ex- here now we are all set. Let’s start the ride then:

Aisha Bhatia works at a luxury hotel as a Guest Relations Manager, loves going out with friends, loves her booze and ciggy, loves her independence and life but at age 29 she has to think and act seriously about catching () a husband. But do they grow on trees?? If only they did..well, they do not.. and so a girl has to go the dating route, friends and family referrals and the web route ‘’!!

Running parallel to Aisha’s quest is that of her friend Misha, also a wannabe Mrs. Rich NRI, and Anushka who after being happily married for years catches her husband cheating on her and is now divorced and into singledom part 2. Together they give you occasions to laugh and have fun vicariously. One night while running a revenge on Anushka’s ex- husband Anuj (toilet papering his car in a swanky club parking) Aisha runs into a loaded and gorgeously sophisticated Karan Verma. She sees him again at her Hotel where he is a guest and this time happens to be in his (ahem!) birthday suit. A few more run-ins and Aisha knows she has a thing going for Mr. Verma. All this happens by page 50, the book has over 280 pages and between them is the story unfolding and progressing towards a happy end.

Overall….fun reading. But I have a little, just a little bit of discontent growing in me, in spite of reading through the whole 282 pages and giving some 4-5 hours of my life to this book.. I feel like I don’t know Aisha that well, you don’t know how the inner circuits of her brain work, you can relate to her but cannot become her, I don’t know if you have come across this dilemma but for me its a very uncomfortable situation. Another thing, the relationship between Aisha and Karan is not allowed much print time, they’ve met each other, had dinners, Aisha did shopping for Karan’s new house, organized a party for him but…is it all that takes to know someone enough. May be a sequel is planned, I have no idea. Moreover majority of the book deals with Aisha and her friends, they are hilarious but eat into quality time with Aisha, the dating horror stories of Misha are good, so good infact you end up knowing and liking her more, then there is this Ex BF who is in the background, mentioned but a few times before and yet Aisha is upset enough at his engagement party to enact a petty revenge (using 18 plates to eat at the charge- by-plate- count buffet). Ohh! I forget to tell you the hotel going-on is one bright spot along with Aisha’s social life, the Grand Orchid Hotel and its working comes alive to you, Advaita being a hotel professional, she has done this part perfectly.

But as I said before and if you are not very demanding with your chick-lit…this is a good book. Advaita writes well, knowingly and funnily too, promising well for future....all the staples of the genre are there in good dose..instead of a Manhattan or a London you have your good old Delhi for a background..all the young hip people, life on the fast lane, it’s all there. So go read this book…only don’t think too much and you’re good to go. I am definitely looking forward for more from Advaita Kala.


  1. nice review :) I love novels.. will try this one :)

  2. Thanks Swati..yes, this is very girly stuff..makes good reading..

  3. loved your blog girl........ will read your blog before I pick up books.... :p ......

  4. Thanks Rashmi...hehe..suggest some to me too...
